Welcome to The Bump Life.

My name is Dr. Kymi and I am a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist. I am married with two amazing little boys and they are the reasons I started The Bump Life.

As with many women in my generation, I did not know anyone (except for one classmate from PT school) that had successfully breastfed longer than a few days. My mother didn’t. None of my aunts did. And none of my cousins did. This led me to be a village of one relying solely on Google searches and Facebook groups. Thankfully my oldest was a full term ( 39 wks 6 days) baby that just knew what to do. Being able to breastfeed him for 19 months ignited my desire to help other women.

Fast forward to my second son and literally everything that could go wrong did. I had to be induced at 37 weeks due to intrauterine growth restriction and he was your textbook sleepy baby. He wouldn’t latch and when he did he would just immediately fall asleep. We struggled with weight gain resulting in a hospitalization, tongue tie with correction required, and a strong bottle preference and dislike for direct breastfeeding.

Although I had already discovered my interest in the lactation community, it was with my second son that I found my purpose. Having had the perfect breastfeeding relationship with my oldest and then basically being forced to be an exclusive pumper for my second gave me quite the spectrum of first hand experience. Through my lactation training, I learned all of the things that should have been offered to me and weren’t. It was during this training that I vowed I would be that community resource for those mother’s that needed it most.

The Bump Life was created to provide breastfeeding advocacy to improve the education and support needed to have the breastfeeding relationship you desire. Our focus at The Bump Life is to provide prenatal breastfeeding education, provide resources for any difficulties experienced after baby is earth-side, and take care of mommy both physically and mentally through community.